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What To Do if Your Child’s Been Injured at Daycare

Daycare providers are responsible for maintaining a safe environment for the children who occupy their space.

Things like clear and slip-free walkways, protection from heating sources and up-to-code electrical components all must be in safe working order to lawfully operate a daycare. When injuries occur as a result of those types of things being faulty, the daycare provider could be deemed to be negligent.

If your child has suffered an injury as a result of possible daycare negligence, you may have the option to file a personal injury claim and could be owed damages. The Gorny Law Firm is available to help you assess your situation and to advise on the correct next steps.

Understanding Daycare Negligence

The responsibility of caring for a child is both honorable and serious. It’s every parent’s expectation that a professional entrusted with the care of their child will do everything they can to provide a safe and secure environment.

Unfortunately, not every daycare operates with the same standards. There are of course instances where accidents happen even with the best of precautions. But then there are those instances where the injury to a child could have and should have been avoided.

Failure by a daycare provider to take reasonable steps to prevent injuries could leave that daycare provider liable for any resulting damage.

When an injury to a child – be it physical, sexual, emotional or otherwise – occurs while the child was under a daycare’s supervision, a court will analyze whether or not that daycare was meeting the standard of care for the situation, including the child’s age.

If, for example, two children collided while playing and running in a reasonable and supervised fashion and one of the children was injured, it is unlikely that the daycare would be found liable. That type of activity and possible injury might be interpreted as reasonable for children of a certain age.

On the other hand, if it’s found that faulty equipment – or worse yet, equipment that was known by the daycare provider to be faulty – causes an injury, then there is a strong chance that the daycare provider may be found to be liable for damages.

Generally speaking, the question of negligence comes down to whether or not an injury could have reasonably been prevented. Understandably, daycare providers are held to a very high standard.

Actions To Take if Your Child Has Been Injured at Daycare

First and foremost, if your child has suffered an injury at daycare, please seek immediate medical treatment. 

Additionally, if you have any reason to believe that your child’s injury could be the result of negligence, it is important that you consult with a personal injury attorney who understands the nuances of daycare negligence. You may be entitled to a legal claim.

The Gorny Law Firm has been serving clients in Missouri, Kansas and nationwide for more than 20 years. We are experienced in personal injury cases of all kinds, including daycare negligence. And it doesn’t cost anything for an initial consultation.

If your child has been injured at daycare, know your rights. Don’t go it alone. Contact The Gorny Law Firm at 816-756-5071.

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