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Gorny Dandurand, LC
Free Initial Consultation 816-756-5071


Gorny Dandurand has worked hard developing innovative solutions for their clients’ most complex problems. Record breaking results include:

  • Largest non-punitive wrongful death verdict in Missouri history
  • Largest medical malpractice verdict in the history of Cole County, Missouri
  • Largest verdict in the history of Cass County, Missouri
  • Largest verdict in the history of Johnson County, Kansas
  • Largest verdict in the history of Ford County, Kansas

Some of Gorny Dandurand’s most notable results include:

  • $46,000,000 — record jury verdict on behalf of a couple killed in a collision with a tractor trailer (the 7th Largest Trial Verdict in the US in 2006)
  • $41,000,000 — record verdict on behalf of young boy severely injured at daycare
  • $6,500,000 — truck driver paralyzed in a collision
  • $6,000,000 — woman who lost her leg in a vehicle & pedestrian collision
  • $6,000,000 – oxygen deprivation of young boy during labor and delivery
  • $6,000,000 — young girl contracting E. coli at a petting zoo
  • $5,350,000 — judgement in a trucking collision
  • $4,000,000 — jury verdict for death of a patient during cardiac catheterization
  • $3,545,985 — judgment following death at nursing home due to failure to provide patient with bi-pap machine
  • $2,800,000 — record settlement in rural Missouri county on behalf of man injured in vehicular collision
  • $2,600,000 — court judgment for a boy injured in a vehicular collision
  • $2,600,000 — product liability suit for man who fell from cable tower
  • $2,300,000 — pedestrian run over in crosswalk
  • $2,000,000 — settlement for a pedestrian struck by a tractor trailer
  • $2,000,000 — woman who underwent an unnecessary surgery
  • $1,817,329 — settlement following death of client’s mother
  • $1,750,000 — settlement obtained for a tractor trailer driver rear-ended by another truck
  • $1,500,000 — settlement for a woman with a missed diagnosis of a post-operative infection
  • $1,500,000 — settlement for Eminem tour members Injured in a bus collision
  • $1,500,000 — verdict for the surviving family of a man who died because of a defective seat belt harness in a dune buggy accident
  • $1,300,000 — settlement for death of an unborn child
  • $1,250,000 — settlement for woman injured on her motorcycle when SUV turned into her lane
  • $1,250,000 — on behalf of truck driver injured by another commercial vehicle
  • $1,250,000 — settlement for family of woman who died as a result of post-surgical complications
  • $1,200,000 — failure to diagnose cancer
  • $1,035,000 — jury award after defense offered $0 in case alleging misdiagnosis and treatment of post-surgical wounds and infection
  • $1,000,000 — verdict for the surviving family of a man killed following an altercation with overly aggressive bouncers
  • $975,000 — settlement for the family of two girls killed in an auto accident after an unlicensed driver crashed into an embankment
  • $900,000 — settlement following failure to diagnose breast cancer resulting in spread of the disease
  • $900,000 — settlement for injuries caused during bariatric surgery
  • $900,000 — man suffered kidney toxicity due to excessive antibiotics
  • $900,000 — settlement for family of man neglected in a nursing home
  • $800,000 — settlement for failure to diagnose cancer
  • $785,000 — settlement for improper lane change collision
  • $745,021 — verdict for woman who underwent unnecessary hysterectomy and suffered a ureter injury

Gorny Dandurand, In The News

The Kansas City Star repeatedly quoted Steve Gorny on the national GOP donating $200,000 to unseat a Democrat judge in Cole County, Missouri. Steve noted that forcing judges to raise money for re-election undermines the idea of an independent judiciary. “The judicial branch is supposed to be impartial … But now the very court that may have to determine the validity of our laws is subject to the influence of campaign money. That’s very concerning… If a judge is ruling on a case and knows one party contributed to their campaign and one didn’t, can they be trusted to be impartial?” (Outside Funds Flood Judicial Race, The Kansas City Star, October 22, 2014.)

Please note that past results afford no guarantee of future results and every case is different and must be judged on its own merits.

Contact Gorny Dandurand, LC for a free consultation regarding your case
The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements.

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Legal services are available on a contingent-fee basis. If there is no recovery, there is no fee or costs charged. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements. The information and links on this website are for general information purposes only. No information on this website should be taken as professional legal advice or used to establish the existence of an attorney/client relationship. Every individual's case is different and will be fact-dependent. Please consult with the attorneys at Gorny Dandurand, LC to see how the information on this website may be applicable to your particular situation.

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